Thursday, November 03, 2005


OMGooooodness! It hurts SOOOOO good! Yay! My lower body workout yesterday was awesome. It hurts to walk, it hurts to sit down, it hurts when my dog jumps on my lap. I LOVE IT! It hurts to laugh, it hurts to sneeze. Great ab workout too. Yes. Yes. Yes.

I may have discovered why I can’t get my shin splints to heal. Aren’t you supposed to stretch properly when running? I NEVER stretch. I do my two-minute warm up (sometimes 5 minutes depending on how sleepy/unmotivated I am) and then I just go for it. I never stretch before running and I never stretch after. I’ve tried toe lifts, walking on my toes, walking on my heels, getting new shoes, blah, blah, blah, but I haven’t tried stretching! I’ll try dub’s suggestion of lifting a light dumbbell, too. Thanks, dub!

So, today I did HIIT on the elliptical and followed it up with about 15 minutes of stationary bike. I was dripping sweat but I’m doubtful if I achieved a true 10. I’ll keep at it and I’ll go research the thread Suzanne suggested. Thanks, Suzanne. =) Oh, by the way, the hanging leg lifts are ala Cheryl’s bfl blog – you hold onto the chin-up bar and lift your legs straight out in front of you. You could do them from the chair thing with arm rests, too, but then I guess you’d just call them leg lifts since you wouldn’t be hanging.

I have another new goal, which is to overcome my fear of trying certain exercises in the “Big Boys” section of my gym. I finally overcame my fear of that area in general, and now would like to try doing some exercises that intimidate me a little: sissy squats, barbell bench press, lunges on the smith machine (don’t know why I’m afraid of these), skull crushers…

Same things I ate yesterday with the exception of the steamed fish and steamed vegetables. Today at lunch I had a salad with tuna.
One gallon of water.


At 5:48 PM, Blogger KC said...

ooohh..the BIG BOYS section. That's always scary. But you can do it!

Glad your workouts are going so great!

At 3:37 PM, Blogger Wolfie said...

Oh goodness! You just reminded me that one of my goals this challenge was to incorporate more stretching! Oops! I better do some studying!

At 12:16 PM, Blogger PartTimeMom said...

yeah - why would anyone be afraid of an excercise called a 'skull crusher'?

Have fun playing with the big boys...

There are a few of us woman who hand out there exclusively. Now that I think about it - no go away - I like having the big boys all to myself! heheheh


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