Thursday, December 15, 2005

Results of BFL Challenge #1

Here are the results of my first BFL challenge ending last week:

Week 1 Measurements:
Weight: 140 lbs.
Body fat: 29%
Neck: 13
Bicep: 10
Forearm: 9
Chest: 30
Hips: 40.25
Waist: 28
Thigh: 23.5
Calf: 14.5

Week 12 Measurements:
Weight: 135 lbs.
Body fat: 24%
Neck: 12
Bicep: 10
Forearm: 8.75
Chest: 30
Hips: 38.5
Waist: 25.5
Thigh: 22
Calf: 13.5

Scale Loss: 5 lbs.
Body fat loss: 8.2 lbs.
Muscle gain: 3.2 lbs.
Inches lost: 8”

Not spectacular, but I feel so much better about myself and I’m really looking forward to kicking some booty in my next challenge which I’ll start upon my return from Malaysia. This summer I’m going to be smokin’ HOT, damnit! I won’t have a chance to update photos until I get back in January. I’ll take them now, but won’t be able to post them.

Haven’t had a chance to pick out the dress yet. The shop closes at 6pm and I’ve been working pretty late. Hopefully I’ll have time tomorrow afternoon after our company Christmas lunch. Otherwise I’ll have to wait till Saturday, but that doesn’t leave much time for necessary alterations. The dress choice may end up being made for me, because the shop only stocks one of each dress and if someone bought one of the dresses I loved, I’m outta luck. I love the way the dress in the first photo looks in the photograph, but I’m a little hesitant with that one as I’m afraid it might accentuate my hip area. Same thing with the dress in the second photo, which I didn't love as much until I found out it was the most expensive - then all of a sudden I loved it? What's with me? Also, there are a couple of dresses that weren't on the Demetrios website because they're from the 2006 collection, which hasn't been officially released yet? Maybe the shop owner is feeding me a line of crap - I'm oh so gullible. Anyway, they weren't on the website and thus I couldn't find photos to show you all. Ramble, ramble, ramble. I'm like a chicken with my head chopped off. BBBBWWWAAAACCCCKKKKKK!! (Suzanne taught me how to spell that!) I’ll let ya’ll know what happens.


At 2:07 PM, Blogger PartTimeMom said...

You made some impressive changes - almost 3 inches off your waist - awsome!

At 5:24 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

WOW did SUPER in your challenge. I am so proud of you for finishing strong, and sticking with it. You look amazing in your last photos so I can just imagine your week 12 photos. Have a wonderful time on your vacation. I can't wait to meet you at Phat Camp! I noticed on Jen Hendershott's website, they now have the motel listed. Do you think you, me and Christie could room together?? Oh that would be sooo much fun!! I'll send you an email at work too. Just a thought- and I know Phat Camp is way out there still. Happy Holidays girl!! Can't wait to see week 12 photos! Love ya, Dede

At 6:39 AM, Blogger KC said...

I think that is great progress you made in your challenge! Congratulations!

Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I liked the 1st dress, as well. :)

At 6:15 PM, Blogger Amy said...

Awesome job on completing your first challenge. Congrats!!!

At 8:20 PM, Blogger havlow said...

Wow I'm always impressed with anyone that actually finishes these challenges. I'm starting on Week 10 tommorow and finishing up the 8th of January. Have a great time in Malaysia!!


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