Friday, May 12, 2006

I didn’t feel like blogging about fitness this week. 26-50:

26. I’m an infomercial junkie. I always believe the product will perform exactly as stated and constantly have to talk myself out of making a purchase. Walgreens carries many items “as seen on TV” and if I can’t resist and have to try something I’ve seen, I’ll usually buy from there. Items I have purchased: Split Ender, Eggstractor, that spinning brush made by the same company as the Split Ender, MaxiGlide (the only item I love). Thankfully I found a helpful website when I get a sudden urge to make a purchase ( The Eggstractor sucked so badly. When I had a moving sale, I couldn’t even sell it for $5 in good conscious. I paid $12.99 but ended up giving it away

27. I am terrible at folding laundry. Maybe that’s why I hate doing it. I’m thinking of getting one of those Flip-n-Fold gadgets I saw on an infomercial…

28. I’m almost 2 years older than my husband but he is leaps and bounds ahead of me in wisdom.

29. I’ve always been attracted to men who are smarter than me. Intelligence is sexy.

30. I love my husband for his intelligence, but I love him even more for his sense of humor and quick wit. He makes me laugh all the time. He’s also one of the most charismatic and instantly likeable people I’ve ever known. I think this photo captures some of his energy.

31. I turned 29 on 02/02/02. I’ll be 49 on 2/2/22.

32. I got my first gray hair when I was 23, but I only get a few “sprouts” every few months. I pluck them out immediately.

33. I’m afraid of heights.

34. I’d be in heaven if I could hang out with a family of meerkats. They are so darn cute. I also find the three-toed sloth a fascinating creature and I love baby primates – baby gorillas and orangutans are so precious. If I liked human babies as much, I’d certainly already be a mother.

35. I’ve never liked any of Oprah’s book club recommendations.

36. I’m afraid I don’t have a biological clock and would be perfectly content without children.

37. I’m not a natural born leader. I’m an excellent team player and fiercely independent but lack leadership skills. I would like to change this aspect about me.

38. I bought approximately 50 pairs of jeans from eBay. I was desperately trying to replace my favorite worn out pair of Guess jeans that are no longer made. I was never successful in finding the exact size, length or style combo. My eBay shopping turned into a seriously expensive addiction. Now I try not to visit eBay unless it’s an absolute necessity.

39. I’ve only chatted online once. It was with Muscles Marinara and Cheryl Muir. They were both really funny and sweet.

40. I was on the cross-country team in high school. The best I ever placed in an event was 10th. There were only 16 people racing that day.

41. Having the hiccups puts me in a grumpy mood. If I have the hiccups once in the morning, they will continue intermittently throughout the day. The only ways I can get rid of the hiccups is to drink 10 sips of water – and if that doesn’t work – drink 10 sips of water upside down.

42. Many of my closest friends are men.

43. When I was a child someone told me you could freeze a lizard and it would come back to life once it thawed. I couldn’t catch a lizard so I put a frog in the big freezer out in the barn. I forgot about it for several months and when I rediscovered it and thawed it out, it didn’t come back to life. The freezer never smelled right after that either.

44. I’d rather be really hot than really cold. Several years ago my sister and I were driving from Colorado to California on Christmas. Her car broke down about 45 minutes outside of Las Vegas (between Vegas and Baker) at 3:00 in the morning. It was so bloody cold. This was before everyone had cell phones so we were stuck in the desert for hours. I decided that night that I’d rather die in the Sahara than freeze in the Mojave (if I had to choose or had a choice, that is).

45. I was born with naturally straight hair. About 5 years ago it started turning wavy. (I was diagnosed with thyroid disease 5 years ago in June… I wonder if there’s a connection.)

46. I do not enjoy talking on the phone. I’d much rather talk face-to-face.

47. I have little tolerance for mediocrity or doing a half-assed job.

48. I completed the Portland Marathon on September 30, 2001. In the first mile of the race, I tripped and fell over some railroad tracks and sprained my ankle. I ran the entire first 17 miles of the race. Mile 18 was a grueling hill and I thought I couldn’t continue. I walked some / ran some for the remaining race, but wanted to jump off the bridge to my death somewhere before mile 21. It was awful. I’m very proud that I finished the race, but I am disappointed in my time of a little over 6 hours. I may decide to complete another marathon in the future just so I could have a more respectable finish time.

49. I’m very handy and enjoy manual labor. I’ve helped friends build fences, frame and drywall, I’ve painted almost all 5,000 square feet of our office space in an old-world faux finish, refinished furniture, installed sod, refinished my dad’s hardwood floors, and countless other do-it-yourself jobs. This weekend I’ll begin installing a sprinkler system in our backyard. I felt very confident in my ability to tackle this project until I started researching the how-to’s online. I hope I’m not in over my head.

50. One of the greatest compliments I’ve ever been given was from one of my closest male friends. He’s in his forties and has a daughter in her 20’s. His daughter is the most amazing young woman. She’s smart and compassionate and tons of fun. Once he told me I reminded him of her. You’d have to know her to know how much that meant to me.

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Have a great weekend ya’ll. Wish me luck on the sprinkler project!


At 11:46 AM, Blogger Irene said...

This is such a great list! I watch infomercials all the time but have never bought anything. I can usually find what ever it is at some store, someplace. I did find Billy Blanks Tae Bo Bootcamp series at Costco for way less than the infomercial price. It's kinda quiet in blogger land today. I thought I'd stop by and say something! Have a wonderful weekend and good luck with your sprinkler project!


At 12:06 PM, Blogger KatieFeldmom said...

Best of Luck this weekend!
You can do it!
Great list!
My hair was straight until I graduated high school and then it went wavy on me. Same thing happened to my cousin.

At 9:28 AM, Blogger FV Tom said...

Great 2nd list!

I love eBay. I usually buy weird Angels baseball memorabilia (office documents from the 1970s for instance)!

I, too, prefer to be really hot vs. really cold. And I know that stretch of road between Vegas and Baker. That would be cold!

Good luck with the sprinklers.

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Pamela said...

What a great list...yes! I know I have to finish mine...but *yawn* it's been a L O N G day!

At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great list! Very handsome Hubby!! He looks like fun. I'm gullable when it comes to infomercials too. I also would rather fry to death than freeze to death. Thanks so much for sharing!

At 9:50 AM, Blogger Kimberly said...

#1- My husband banned me from infomercials. I've still got the Revo-Styler- it's got to work, the problem must be me, I'm just not doing it right...

This list is so great. You froze a lizard!

Intelligence and sense of humor do it for me, too.

At 4:16 PM, Blogger chantal2bfit said...

Great list! Hope the sprinkler project went well!

At 4:31 PM, Blogger Pamela said...

Thanks for your comments on my list...:D I always smile at the things you write ..for me & others.. we're lucky too have a ray of sunshine like you among us!

Hope the project went well.. I love doin stuff like that too! & ps...JunoJen is right Hubby is HOT! ;P

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

That is a great list! And I great picture of your husband, I didn't even recognize him from seeing him in your wedding pics. I love all these lists, makes me want to sit on a patio drinking cold ones with everyone!

I hear you on the vomit thing, but amazingly enough about a month ago Megan got a flu bug and I and my husband got puked on numerous times and while it's not fun, we felt so bad for Megan who didn't understand what was happening it wasn't the chain reaction that I feared with either one of us.

The skull is no longer - an ex-boyfriend narc'd on me when he heard I had and turned me in. My father will never let me live it down and I'm sure he's just waiting for the day he can tell Megan all about it.



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