Thursday, June 29, 2006

Still On Plan… and Oh So Busy!

I’m still on plan but I actually feel fatter than ever. In fact, I stepped on the scale this morning and was HORRIFIED by what I saw… I’m hoping it’s just my body adjusting to the new high-protein plan and things will be different by next week. My stomach has been bothering me a bit and my energy (which is never off the charts) is a little lacking, but my mood is good and I varied my diet today so I’m feeling more satisfied. EDIT: I didn’t have a chance to post yesterday, and this was actually saved in draft from Wednesday. Today I feel much less fat AND saw a dramatic drop in scale weight this morning! However, my energy is not so great.

For the past year I’ve used EAS’ 100% Whey Protein purchased from Vitamin Shoppe (my Ukrainian friend pronounces it: Shoppey – so cute. Oh, she also says Wacation, Wote, Wirus rather than Vacation, Vote, Virus. I love it.). ANYWAY, the price has been anywhere from $29.99 to $31.99 over the past year. This past week I had to restock and the price was $39.99 for the same 5 lb. tub. That’s a HUGE jump and I’m still a little tweaked over the way they “compensated” my boss for his bad RTD shake (they sent him a pack of 4 to make up for his horrible experience) so I decided it was time to make a change in protein products. I’d heard Optimum Nutrition’s 100% Whey was pretty tasty and it has almost the exact nutritional content as EAS’ but with an added gram of protein per serving so I thought I’d give it a try. The taste is actually very good.

My mid-morning meal consisted of celery and peanut butter and a double rich chocolate protein shake. The combination was fabulous. My last bite of celery and PB was washed down with a drink of protein and the flavor in my mouth was reminiscent of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. This could be dangerous for me. I have to watch my self-control with the PB as it is.

I took some photos of Max the other morning and loved the close-up so much that I decided to use it as my profile photo. He’s such a fascinating little dog. I don’t know how possible reincarnation is, but I sometimes wonder if he’s a man reincarnated into a dog or if he’s a dog about to be reincarnated into a man next go around. I’d love to get into his little head.

Did you guys know Karla is “back”? At least she teased us via her blog that she was coming back – that was back on June 6 but there hasn’t been a peep since. Wouldn’t that be fabulous if she returned to blogland???? I miss her, darn it.

I’ll have to comment on your comments as soon as I get a few more spare minutes.

xo, Rachel


At 1:18 PM, Blogger Erin said...

awwwww.... that is a sweet picture of Max.

Sounds like you are doing great... hope you get your energy back soon!

At 1:26 PM, Blogger KC said...

Aw, you are too sweet, Rachel. Thanks for forgiving me after my long hiatus. I love you, too! :))


At 2:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just sounds like the Low Carb thing Rachel, accounting for lack of energy.

I have heard the ON Whey is good. Some people on one of my other haunts, have raved about it, since I started there over 2 years ago.

No worries about commenting on what other people say. You have a life to manage, and that has to come first, and is understandable, so just take your time, and we'll be here for you, when you find a chance to say some more stuff :-).

The Carb thing should rectify itself next week, if you're supposed to add more in to the diet, as you kind of intimated a couple of posts back.

The main thing is you don't get too worried about the new diet, as it will take time for you to adjust and see results.

Your biophysics is doing it's best to work with what your mind decides to do to it, so you benefit from the choices you decide on.

I'm very sure you'll get some results and benefit, in the not too distant future.

You're doing great, so keep taking it day by day, try not to worry about what you to expect to happen, in relation to what is happening, and feel good about the way you're caring for yourself, that's all you can do.

Just believe and trust in yourself. You've come so far, and you're an intelligent woman, so I'm confident you won't make dud lifestyle choices, and let yourself down now, after all this time :-).

GOOD LUCK Rachel. We're all here for you, so keep keeping your life the success it is, and your blog and us will be here for you whenever :-).


At 3:23 PM, Blogger Kimberly said...

That price jump is GIGANTIC! I would switch, too, just based on principle.

And, COMPLETE empathy on the energy thing. If I gave in to my body's energy levels, I would never get out of bed or off the couch. It's sheer will most of the time, isn't it, that gets you to work and working out?

At 4:16 PM, Blogger FV Tom said...

Hey Rach!

I love the pic of Max! I saw it on some comments you had left and I just love it. He sure is handsome.

At 5:11 PM, Blogger Pamela said...

Love the pic of Max! what a cutie face! I don't doubt the whole man/dog thing for one sec! - but that's just me! ;P
& glad to hear the low carb thing is working out for ya.. I'm like Kim..I go snaky anytime I've tried anything like that..but I'm still curious so CALL me..I can't find your # Whaaaaaa! :(

At 2:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with the new diet. Thanks for the Karla link. So good to hear from her again.

At 5:52 AM, Blogger chantal2bfit said...

Cute picture of Max!

Sounds like you're doing great with your fitness routine. Hope you get your energy back. You're right, it's probably just your body adjusting esp. if it's not used to low carbing.

That's a rip-off with the price increase on the protein powder! Can you get it online for cheaper?

At 8:45 AM, Blogger Mari said...

Just stopped by to say HI

At 1:32 PM, Blogger KatieFeldmom said...

Love the new picture! He's a cutie!

At 6:27 AM, Blogger Mari said...

Another Hello. How are you?


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