Dreaming of High Intensity Interval Training…
This morning I woke from a dream of doing HIIT on the treadmill. I wonder if my legs were twitching the way my dog’s does when he dreams… Anyway, I took it as a sign to get up and hit the gym – this has been a rest week for me to recuperate from the move. I think there was a problem with the treadmill belt because things felt a little strange – like the belt was slipping and it was tripping me up a bit. I did 30:60 intervals at 10 mph and 4 mph for 20 minutes. It was not one of my better workouts and I struggled through the entire 20 minutes feeling like my heart was about to explode.
Monday is a new push for a full twelve-week “Personal Best Challenge” – with no missed workouts, no binges, no alcohol, and 2 cheat meals per week. Now that the move is behind me, I feel I can dedicate myself completely. I may be visiting family in Austin for a few days in late May/early June, but nothings set in stone. I’m sure I’ll be able to keep up with workouts and healthy eating while I’m there. Tomorrow may include some cardio, but the rest of the weekend will be dedicated to organizing my closets, grocery shopping for the week, and some food prep.
I'm half tempted to give the Hell diet a try to kick start my challenge, but haven't decided yet.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. =)